This special issue of The Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, co-edited with Jennifer deWinter, addresses gamification as a concern of labor politics. The Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds is a peer-reviewed, internationally distributed journal that presents game studies scholarship from a variety of disciplines.
Table of Contents
“Games, gamification, and labour politics,” Jennifer Dewinter And Carly A. Kocurek
“Taylorism 2.0: Gamification, scientific management and the capitalist appropriation of play,” Jennifer Dewinter, Carly A. Kocurek, and Randall Nichols
“Zombification?: Gamification, motivation, and the user,” Steven Conway
“Gamification as twenty-first-century ideology,” Mathias Fuchs
“Towards gamification transparency: A conceptual framework for the development of responsible gamified enterprise systems,” Marigo Raftopoulos
“America’s Army and the Military recruitment and management of ‘Talent’: An interview with Colonel Casey Wardynski,” Robertson Allen