I haven’t been blogging because, well, global pandemic: What can I say that’s useful? Not much, really. I’m as gobsmacked and listless as anyone else, and I went 6ish months without childcare while trying to work full-time from home.… Read the rest
One day at lunch during college, Larry McMurtry came up. McMurtry, hailing from not far from my home town, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, several Oscars, and various other things, had always been a bit of a touchstone from me.… Read the rest
Nobody thought to assess me for ADHD as a child. As an adult, I’ve come to realize I have almost textbook ADHD, thanks in part to a really great article in the Atlantic.… Read the rest
A colleague posted recently asking where to draw the line on “sick enough to cancel class.” I know this answer varies a lot with people’s personal situations with regards to health (some people are always sick or in pain to some degree) and with regards to employment (the security of tenure can be very real, as can the insecurity of precarious employment).… Read the rest
This fall, for the third time, I will be teaching a course on the History of Video Games. This is an upper level class offered to undergraduates across the university here at the Illinois Institute of Technology.… Read the rest
This semester I’m teaching a “Special Problems” graduate course. “Special Problems” courses are effectively group independent studies on specific topics, and so this term I’ve been leading a very small class focused on reading theory.… Read the rest