Right now, many parents are spending more time with their children and more time observing their children’s interactions with video games. As a result, parental anxiety about video games is acute.… Read the rest
I just got back from a fine time at MAGfest 2020, where I presented as part of the history track in MAGES for the second year. It’s real fun! I felt really lucky to get to do that for a second year.… Read the rest
A few years ago, I saw a call for a special issue of Ada New Media about feminist hacking. I am a crafter: I crochet; I sew; I mend and meddle.… Read the rest
A few years ago, I won a research award for junior faculty at my university. I was very excited. I got a thousand dollars and a crystal trophy plaque thing. But then I looked closely at the engraving: “presented to Carly Kocurek in recognition of his Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Scholarship.”… Read the rest
In the fifth or seventh or twenty-third yoga class I ever took, I fell on my face. Flat. Full length. On the floor. I laughed. The fall hadn’t hurt me, and how often do you fail so spectacularly that you fall on your face?… Read the rest
This blog post is an expansion of some thoughts I wrote up for a journalist covering the invocation and position of video games in the horrific shooting in New Zealand. The journalist ultimately didn’t use them.… Read the rest
A few months ago, I started putting together a symposium on the intersection of games and emotions. That symposium, now titled “Feeling Games,” is happening in a couple weeks here at Illinois Tech.… Read the rest