I was scrolling through the catalog over at J!NX the other day when I came across this shirt:
If you can’t quite see it, it is a lavender women’s t-shirt that reads “I love my gamer” with a red pixelated heart standing in for the word “love.”… Read the rest
This ad has been making the web rounds. It’s a stop-motion (or at least stop-motion-style) recreation of the light cycle race from TRON made with Duck Tape rolls. I really appreciate that Jay Maynard (aka, TRON Suit Guy) still has some cultural cache.… Read the rest
On Sunday, my fiance and I went to a “dystopic double feature” as part of the Paramount’s summer film series. The first of the two films, Terry Gilliam’s Brazil, was one we both had seen before and love.… Read the rest
My colleague Matt Payne recently directed me to Mi-Sex’s 1979 single “Computer Games.”Mi-Sex were a new wave act from New Zealand/Australia (depending on point in time). “Computer Games” was one of their major hits.… Read the rest