My colleague Jennifer deWinter and I are putting together a short documentary project, and we are looking for contributors. Please pass along the call here and consider participating. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.… Read the rest
A few weeks ago, I got to travel to Vienna for the Future and Reality of Gaming (F.R.O.G.) 13 Conference. I’ve been to a lot of conferences at this point, and I’ve presented my research a number of times, but this is the first time I’ve taken one of my digital projects.… Read the rest
A few weeks ago, Allyson Whipple and I launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for the completion of an interactive fiction game we’ve been working on called Choice: Texas.… Read the rest
My colleague Jennifer deWinter and I are co-editing a special issue of the Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds on Gaming, Gamification, and Labour Politics. The full CFP is below.… Read the rest
Last Thursday, I spent an evening offering moral support to a friend confronted with the dissolve of a well established romantic relationship. Sitting at a bar with several of her other friends, we got in a conversation about the difficulties of dating, and the deeply unsuitable people most of us had, at one time or another, found ourselves out with.… Read the rest
I promise I’ll eventually post some real content, rather than just a listing of what I’ve been up to, but it’s been a bit of a whirlwind for the past month or two.… Read the rest
My colleague Marianna Martin and I co-organized a theme week of In Media Res on the Resident Evil films. The Resident Evil films have a lot to recommend them, and they’re interesting both for their politics and their success — they are the most successful video game films made to date.… Read the rest
My colleague Samuel Tobin and I are co-editing a special issue of Reconstruction all about the video game arcade. I’ve copied the full CFP down below. Please pass along and consider submitting.… Read the rest
Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of co-authoring a series of columns for Flow with Jennifer deWinter of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Our columns, which focus on sexism in the gaming industry, have now all been published, which means you can go read them all, in order, at your leisure.… Read the rest